Volunteers are the life and blood of Cabarete Sostenible. In the last 2 years, we have welcomed over 190 volunteers and together made a real difference in our community.
Whether you are visiting Cabarete for a short time or live in our community permanently we welcome your help, expertise and involvement. Give back to the community that welcomes you with open arms and help make a real difference.
How do you get involved & what’s in it for you?
Volunteer and get trained with hands-on experience in sustainable agriculture and emergency food relief
Volunteer to train others in your field of professional expertise
Volunteers receive:
a) A professional letter of recommendation for their career and CV reference (25 hour minimum)
b) Vulnerable members of the community volunteering with CS get priority access to the harvest of the community garden and food relief program.
c) Priority access to entrepreneurship and free educational opportunities.